Cincinnati WordPress Meetup

Cincinnati WordPress Meetup

It gets lonely. Having an expertise or passion, striving for excellence, in a field that requires a combination of technical expertise, deep and broad knowledge, cerebral thought, and often times solitary work at a keyboard for execution. Sure, you may work on cross functional teams to serve the needs of clients, but each team member focuses on their particular business need. But who can you chat with to sing the praises of various tools? To compare notes on plug-ins? To find which themes are most effective and which have shortfalls? How can you step away from the weeds to look not just at the trees but also the forest to talk about trends and best practices?

Come to the Cincinnati WordPress Meetups to learn from other WordPress users. Talk shop, expand your network, socialize with others who share your passions. We usually meet on the third Tuesday of each month in Blue Ash. We invite you to join us. Learn more at Cincinnati WordPress Meetup.